Zoals u het misschien al op sociale media heeft kunnen lezen, raakte vorige week bekend dat Roberto Conterno zich heeft ingekocht in Nervi voor een aandeel van 90%. De overige 10% blijft in handen van het Noorse koppel Erling & Kathrine Astrup. Het was dankzij Roberto dat we 6 jaar geleden in contact zijn gekomen met Nervi en hij heeft zijn liefde voor de Gattinara-regio nooit onder stoelen of banken gestoken. Erling & Kathrine hebben Nervi sinds 2011 tot een nieuw hoogtepunt gebracht, maar vonden dat ze externe hulp nodig hadden om nog hogere toppen te scheren. De geschikte persoon zagen ze in hun goede vriend Roberto.
Vanaf heden is de dagdagelijkse leiding in handen van Roberto. Hij vertelde ons dat hij grootse plannen heeft en substantiële investeringen plant in de kelder om het niveau nog serieus op te krikken. Het potentieel is volgens hem enorm. Hij ziet Nervi dan ook als een volwaardige tweede entiteit en niet als het kleinere broertje van wijndomein Giacomo Conterno. De eerste jaargang die onder zijn supervisie zal worden gelanceerd, is de 2015 jaargang, waarbij alles van de Valferana en Molsino cru zal worden gedeclasseerd in de reguliere Gattinara. Wij verwachten dit in de loop van 2019. Tot dan blijven het assortiment en de prijzen ongewijzigd.
Officiële communicatie Nervi:
Gattinara, 24 April 2018
It is with great joy and humility that we announce that Roberto Conterno, owner of the winery Giacomo Conterno, the great Barolo producer, has acquired 90 per cent of Azienda Vitivinicola Nervi.
We have known Roberto for several years and observed his love for Nervi and Gattinara´s volcanic and clay rich vineyards - expressed in wines of a particular finesse and elegance. Since 2011 – when we bought Nervi - Roberto has followed the company closely and we are grateful for him generously providing his expertise during these years.
Enrico Fileppo, Nervi´s winemaker since 1983, and the Nervi team have worked with great passion and diligence during the seven years we have been owners. It is also due to their efforts that European and US wine reviews have granted top awards to our wines, which now can be found in over 20 countries.
Nevertheless, the more we have learned about viticulture and vinification and the amazing qualities inherent in our vineyards, we have concluded that the attention, presence and knowledge required to take Nervi to the next quality level is beyond what we as Norwegian owners can contribute.
Roberto Conterno and his sons provide unparalleled experience and tradition in wine making. They also share the passion for producing single vineyard wines to express the distinct soils in the vineyards. Just as Nervi produced the first Crus in Alto Piemonte with the 1970 vintage of Molsino and Valferana, the Conterno family is known for producing wines that respect and reflect the soil differences.
Conterno will add expertise and resources to make adjustments to Nervi’s cellars. Among the immediate investments include renovation and reorganisation of the cellar. From today, Roberto Conterno will have the full responsibility of the vineyards, cellars and commercial activities. With Enrico Fileppo and the Nervi team, Roberto is preparing for the 2018 vintage, which is well on its way.
The success of Nervi would not have been possible without our partners’ belief in and hard work for Nervi.
We remain at your disposal for any query you might have.
With our best regards,
Kathrine, Erling, Bjørn and Karl